Academic Affairs Policies
Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Policy
I. Justification and Statement of Policy
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 ("FERPA" or "the Act") codifies the rights of students to the confidentiality of their education records and the rights of students to have access to such records. This policy is implemented to ensure that 顶级国产视频 & Marshall College (鈥淔&M鈥 or 鈥淐ollege鈥) is fulfilling the purpose of the Act.
II. Scope
This policy applies to all employees, students, and school officials, as defined by this policy.
III. Definitions
a. Student: Any individual who is or has been in attendance (i.e. alumni/former students) at F&M.
It does not include an individual who was an unsuccessful applicant for admission
to the College.
b. Education Records: Records, files, documents, and other materials that contain information directly
related to a student and are maintained by the College or an agent of the College.
Protected education records can be maintained in paper, digital/electronic, or other
formats. These records include, but are not limited to:
Admission records.
Academic records, grade reports, transcripts of grades, major and minor declaration forms, and such other information as may appear on the College transcript held in the Registrar鈥檚 Office.
Records and documents related to the decisions of the Committee on Academic Status and the Student Conduct Committee and general information regarding the student鈥檚 curricular and extracurricular performance and activities, held in the Office of Student Affairs.
Records held by those advising and evaluating students, such as academic advisers, the Health Professions Advisory Committee, the Office of Student and Post-Graduate Development, Faculty Dons, and House Deans.
Records and documents held in the Office of Financial Aid.
The following items are not education records as defined by FERPA and thus are not protected. However, these records may be protected by other laws and policies: -
Notes, statements, records, documents or other papers that are kept in the sole possession of the maker thereof and are not accessible to others (such as private notes made by professors, academic advisers, or administrators that are purely personal reminders of an event or fact that they may or may not use in a subsequent decision such as determining a grade in a course, advising as to courses, etc.).
Law enforcement records
Employment records
Treatment records, including medical, psychological, and counseling\
Post-attendance records, records created or received by the College after an individual is no longer a student and not directly related to the individual鈥檚 attendance as a student
Records created in the normal course of business, including but not limited to media files created for marketing purposes or media files created for instructional purposes
Peer-graded papers before they are collected and recorded by faculty
c. Directory Information: The following categories of information have been designated directory information at F&M:
Name, home address, home phone number, local address, local phone number, e-mail address, photograph, date of birth, and names and addresses of parents or guardians.
Name and address of secondary school attended, dates of attendance and degrees awarded, academic major(s) and minor (when applicable), date of graduation, and membership in officially recognized activities and sports.
Such information as is normally included on rosters and programs prepared for athletic contests.
Granting of honors, awards and other accomplishments.
The College will give annual public notice to students of the categories of information
designated as directory information and will allow a reasonable period of time after
such notice for students to inform the College that they wish to suppress the information
from being disclosed. Directory information may appear in public documents and may
otherwise be disclosed without student consent unless the student objects as indicated.
d. School officials: For purposes of this policy include: l) any persons employed by the College in an
administrative, supervisory, academic, research, or support staff position; 2) a person
elected to the Board of Trustees; 3) a person employed by or under contract to the
College to perform institutional services or functions in lieu of College employees,
who is under the direct control of the College, and who is subject to the same conditions
governing use and redisclosure of education records that apply to other school officials;
or 4) a student serving on an official committee or assisting another school official
in performing their tasks. Upon request, the College also discloses education records
without a student鈥檚 consent to officials of another school in which a student seeks
or intends to enroll.
IV. Policy
a. Privacy of Student Education Records
Release of Student Education Records: No education record shall be released by the
College or its agents, nor shall access be granted without the consent of the student
except as provided below, or as otherwise provided by law. Student requests for the
release of information may be made by (a) completing the 顶级国产视频 & Marshall FERPA
Release Form in the Office of the Registrar or (b) providing a signed consent form
from a nationally recognized educational or professional entity (LSAC, AMCAS, bar
examiners, etc.). If students have questions about the acceptability of a form, they
should contact the Office of the Registrar. A student may, at any time, revoke a previously
granted consent to release.
b. Access to Student Records by Student
Students have a right of access to their education records, a right to challenge the
accuracy of these records, and a right to have explanations or comments on these records
placed in their file. They also have a right to have copies of their records, subject
to payment to cover the costs of duplication.
Students who wish to review their records may do so by submitting a request to the appropriate officer of the College on a form provided for the purpose that shall identify what part of the education records the student wishes to review. Within 45 days of the submission of the application, a representative of the College office responsible for maintaining those records will provide the student with the records and documents to which the student is entitled and will provide such reasonable explanations or interpretations as the student may require for clarification.
A student can request an amendment to their records when the record in question is believed to contain information that is inaccurate, misleading or in violation of the student鈥檚 rights of privacy. Should the student challenge any part of the record, the dispute may be settled informally between the student and College.
If the challenge to the content of the record cannot be resolved by informal means, a hearing shall be held within a reasonable time to resolve the matter, and the decision of the hearing panel will be final. The hearing panel will be made up of a current student chosen by the student, a faculty or professional staff member chosen by the Provost, and a faculty or professional staff member chosen by the Vice President of Student Affairs.
The decision of the hearing panel will be rendered within ten days of the hearing, will be in writing, and will be delivered to the student and the Provost.
The request for amendment and appeal rights do not supplant other processes in place at the College. It is not the intention of the Act, or these procedures, to provide a forum for challenging course grades, the decisions of the Committee on Academic Status, the Student Conduct Committee, or any other committee or office of the College assigned the responsibility to make judgments. Rather, it is the intention of the Act, and this policy, to make known to students the informational basis upon which decisions included in the education records are made and to allow corrections of that information or inclusion of explanatory statements.
1. Limitations on Student Access. The general right of students to access their education record is limited as follows. Students do not have the right to access:
Confidential statements and letters placed in the files prior to January 1, 1975, and confined in their use to the purposes for which they were intended.
Confidential letters and statements of recommendation related to admission to the College, application for employment, or receipt of an honor or honorary recognition to which students have waived a right of access.
Financial records of students鈥 parents or guardians.
A student shall not be permitted to inspect records that personally identify other students even if they are personally identified. In such a case they shall simply be informed of the information contained in the record.
2. Waiver of Access. A student may waive a right of access to confidential statements and letters submitted
as part of their admissions dossier, but this waiver does not apply if the letters
or statements are used for purposes other than to make a judgment about the admission
of the student to 顶级国产视频 & Marshall College. Students may also waive a right of
access to confidential recommendations respecting admission to another college or
university, a graduate or professional school, or for other opportunities such as
internships. Authors of such letters will give the student an opportunity to waive
a right of access to such letters of recommendation as they may write. Students may
also waive a right of access to confidential recommendations concerning application
for employment or receipt of an honor or honorary recognition.
c. Access to Student Records by School Officials
Students have the right to provide written consent before the College discloses personally
identifiable information from the student鈥檚 education records, except to the extent
that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. The College discloses education
records without a student鈥檚 prior written consent under the FERPA exception for disclosure
to school officials with legitimate educational interests.
A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review
an education record in order to fulfill their professional responsibilities for the
College. This includes, but is not limited to, course grades, attendance information,
advising information, disciplinary records, financial statements, and housing information.
d. Access to Student Records by Third Parties
Education records protected by FERPA shall not be released to third parties (including
parents, spouses, and other family members) without the express written consent of
the student unless it is done so in accordance with FERPA regulations and this policy.
Parents of dependent students, as defined by Section 152 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, may file proof of dependency with the appropriate office, in which case the College has the discretion to release student records to the parents. Though disclosure is permitted, in most cases 顶级国产视频 & Marshall does not release student records under this provision. The core of this policy surrounds our particular circumstances as a residential institution. It has been the College鈥檚 belief in the importance of building a relationship of trust between the student and the institution, which becomes especially critical with the health and safety considerations that come into play in a residential environment.
In addition to other allowed disclosures noted in this policy (e.g. directory information, dependent students), per the FERPA regulations, education records may be released to the following without notifying or obtaining the consent of the student:
Officials of another school, upon request, at which a student seeks or intends to enroll.
Authorized federal, state or local government officials, as allowed by federal law or regulation.
Organizations conducting studies concerning the validity of predictive tests, administering student aid programs, or improving instruction, if a) such studies are conducted in such a manner that specific students cannot be identified in the publication of the results; and b) provided such information will be destroyed when it is no longer needed for the purpose for which the study was made.
Accrediting organizations for the performance of their accrediting function.
Appropriate parties as the result of a properly executed judicial order or subpoena; a reasonable effort will be made to contact the student prior to release in response to any subpoena or judicial order unless the subpoena or judicial order by its terms prohibits contacting the student.
In the event of a health or safety emergency, information may be released to appropriate persons without the consent of the student if such information is necessary to protect the health or safety of the student or of other persons. An appropriate party may be a parent of a student even if the student is not a dependent for income tax purposes.
In connection with a student鈥檚 request for, or receipt of, financial aid, as necessary to determine the eligibility, amount or conditions of the financial aid, or to enforce the terms and conditions of the aid.
If required by a state law requiring disclosure that was adopted before November 19, 1974.
To a victim of an alleged perpetrator of a crime of violence or a non-forcible sex offense, subject to the requirements of 搂 99.39. The disclosure may only include the final results of the disciplinary proceeding with respect to that alleged crime or offense, regardless of the finding. (34 CFR 搂 99.31(a)(13))
To the general public, the final results of a disciplinary proceeding, subject to the requirements of 34 CFR 搂 99.39, if the school determines the student is an alleged perpetrator of a crime of violence or non-forcible sex offense and the student has committed a violation of the school鈥檚 rules or policies with respect to the allegation made against them. (34 CFR 搂 99.31(a)(14))
To parents of a student regarding the student鈥檚 violation of any Federal, State, or local law, or of any rule or policy of the school, governing the use or possession of alcohol or a controlled substance if the school determines the student committed a disciplinary violation and the student is under the age of 21. (34 CFR 搂99.31(a)(15))
e. Directory Information
Student directory information may be published by the College except in cases where
the student has limited disclosure through a written request.
Students may withhold directory information by indicating their wishes on the appropriate
screen on MyDiplomat or by contacting the Office of the Registrar. Students are responsible
for any impact that such an action may have and should carefully consider the consequences.
A student who has requested non-disclosure will still have their name and other required
information included on class rolls (in any format). Additionally, if the student
has filed a consent to release form, that will override the non-disclosure instruction
for the type of record and the person or party listed in the consent form. Questions
should be directed to the Office of the Registrar.
f. Recordkeeping
Those officers under whose care the records are kept shall maintain a log of the names
of those who have requested or been granted access to a student鈥檚 record, the information
disclosed, the dates of all such transactions, and the legitimate interest of each
person in obtaining this information.
Recordkeeping is not required if the request was from, or if the disclosure was to, one of the following.
the student;
a school official determined to have a legitimate educational interest;
a party with written consent from the student;
a party seeking directory information; or
a federal grand jury or law enforcement agency pursuant to a judicial order or subpoena that by its terms requires non-disclosure.
When the College discloses personally identifiable information from a student鈥檚 education
record under the health or safety emergency exception, the College must include the
following in the record of the disclosure: the articulable and significant threat
to the health or safety or a student or other individuals that formed the basis for
the disclosure; the parties to whom the information was disclosed.
g. Administration of Policy and Procedures
The Provost shall have general oversight of the administration of the Act and the
above procedures. Questions concerning the matters covered by these procedures and
the Act should be directed to the Provost.
Recommendations for changes and amendments to these regulations will be welcomed by the Provost, and such changes as experience demonstrates should be made in a manner and at such times as conform to 顶级国产视频 & Marshall procedures.
Complaints regarding alleged failures by 顶级国产视频 & Marshall College to comply with the requirements of FERPA should be forwarded to:
Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, D.C. 20202-5920
V. Related Documents and Forms
Policy Maintained by: Registrar's Office, College Registrar
Last Reviewed: August 26, 2024