Cade D Mansfield Assistant Professor of Psychology
07/2023 鈥 present: Assistant Professor, 顶级国产视频 & Marshall College, Department of Psychology
07/2022 鈥 06/2023: Associate Professor, Weber State University, Department of Psychological Science
07/2017 鈥 06/2022: Assistant Professor, Weber State University, Department of Psychological Science
05/2015 鈥 07/2017: Assistant Professor, University of Wisconsin 鈥 Superior, Human Behavior, Justice, and Diversity Department
12/2015: Ph.D. 鈥 Psychology, University of Utah
06/2009: M.S. 鈥 Experimental Psychology, Western Washington University
06/2007: B.A. 鈥 Psychology and Economics, Western Washington University
Manuscripts Under Review (italics = Student Co-author)
Mansfield, C. D., Carrington, M., Shaw, L. A., Ubiquity and Utility of redemptive narration outside the US? Exploring redemption in US and UK emerging adults鈥 turning point narratives. Submitted for publication at Narrative Inquiry
Manuscripts In Press
Published Works
Grysman, A., Mansfield, C. D., Singer, J. A., Camia, C., Booker, J. A., Bauer, J. J., & Fivush, R. (2024). Human or artificial intelligence: Can people tell the difference in first-person narratives? Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition. Advance online publication.
Mansfield, C. D., Pasupathi, M., & McLean, K. C., (2023). The challenges of the experimental paradigm in narrative identity research. Journal of Research in Personality, Special Issue on Storying the Good Life, eds J. Bauer, D. Thomsen.
Mansfield, C. D., Co-Evolution of meaning-making and wisdom in processing and developmental time. In M. Munroe & M. Ferrari (Eds.), Post-Traumatic Growth to Psychological Well-Being: Coping Wisely with Adversity (Springer).
Pasupathi, M. P., Wainryb, C., Bourne, S., Mansfield, C.D. (2022) The psychophysiology of narrating distressing experiences. Narrative Inquiry, 33(1).
Grysman, A., & Mansfield, C. D. (2020). Narrative methods in autobiographical memory. In S. G眉lg枚z & B. Sahin-Acar (Eds.), Autobiographical memory development: Theoretical and methodological approaches. (pp. 67鈥82). Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.
Pasupathi, M., Oldroyd, K., Wainryb, C., & Mansfield, C. D. (2019). Maternal narration about parenting pride and regret is related to youth emotion regulation. Social Development.
Mansfield, C. D., & Diamond, L. M. (2017). Does stress-related growth matter for adolescents鈥 day-to-day adaptive functioning? Journal of Early Adolescence, 1-19, doi:10.1177/0272431615620665.
Grysman, A., & Mansfield, C. D. (2017). What do we have when we have a narrative? Imagination, Cognition and Personality, 37(2), 105鈥126.
Grysman, A., & Mansfield, C. D. (2017). Editorial. Imagination, Cognition and Personality, 37(2), 103鈥104.
Pasupathi, M., Wainryb, C., Mansfield, C. D., & Bourne, S.B. (2016). The feeling of the story: Narrating to regulate anger and sadness, Cognition and Emotion, DOI: 10.1080/02699931.2015.1127214.
Mansfield, C. D., (2015) Do different types of negative events lead to distinct types of adaptive functioning threats? ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global.
Mansfield, C. D., Pasupathi, M., & McLean, K. C. (2015). Is narrating growth in stories of personal transgressions associated with increased well-being, self-compassion, and forgiveness of others? Journal of Research in Personality, 58, 69-83. doi:10.1016/j.jrp.2015.05.008
Pasupathi, M., Billitteri, J., Mansfield, C. D., Wainryb, C., Hanley, G. E., & Taheri, K. (2015). Regulating emotion and identity by narrating harm. Journal of Research in Personality, 58, 127-136. doi:10.1016/j.jrp.2015.07.003.
Pasupathi, M., Mansfield, C. D., & Weeks, T. (2014). Me and my stories. Oxford Handbook of Language and Social Psychology, Ed. T. Holtgraves. Oxford University Press.
Lilgendahl, J., McLean, K. C., & Mansfield, C. D. (2013). When is meaning-making unhealthy for the self? The roles of neuroticism, implicit theories, and memory telling in trauma and transgression Memories. Memory, 21(1), 79-96. doi:10.1080/09658211.2012.706615.
McLean, K. C., & Mansfield, C. D. (2012). The co-construction of adolescent narrative identity: Narrative processing as a function of adolescent age, gender, and maternal scaffolding. Developmental Psychology, 48(2), 436-447. doi:10.1037/a0025563.
McLean, K. C., & Mansfield, C. D. (2011). To reason or not to reason: A questioning of the necessity of autobiographical reasoning. In T. Habermas (Ed.), New Directions in Child and Adolescent Development: The development of autobiographical reasoning in adolescence and beyond, 131, 85 鈥 97.
Mansfield, C. D., Mclean, K. C., & Lilgendahl, J. P. (2010). Narrating traumas and transgressions: Links between narrative processing, wisdom, and well-being. Narrative Inquiry, 20(2), 246-273. doi:10.1075/ni.20.2.02man.
Haskell, T. R., Mansfield, C. D., & Brewer, K.M. (2010). Linguistic markedness and category learning, Language and Cognitive Processes, 26(8), 1022-1054. doi:10.1080/01690965.2010.503438.
Conference Presentations (bold = Me; italics = Student Co-author)
Mansfield, C. D., & Overton, M. (2023). Redemptive Meaning-Making as a Contextualized Behavior: Do Personality and Situation Factors Matter? Talk accepted for presentation in the Advancing Post-Traumatic Growth Research through Multiple Personality Perspectives symposium at the European Conference on Personality, Berlin Germany, Aug. 6-9, 2024
Mansfield, C. D., & Shaw, L. A., (2023). 鈥淚 haven鈥檛 learned anything from this yet, but I am sure that I can find a good takeaway later鈥: Associations between teen narration of recent stressors and positive developmental outcomes in a 1-year study. Talk presented at the 13th Biennial Conference of the Society for the Study of Human Development, Philadelphia, PA., Oct. 13-15, symposium on Narrative meaning-making in adolescence: Processes, power, and potential of storying experiences when alone and with others.
Carrington, M. R., Eubank, S. J., Mansfield, C. D., & Shaw, L. A. (2023). Beyond romance: Emerging adults鈥 narratives of interpersonal turning points matter for well-being and perception of positive relations. Poster presented at the 13thBiennial Conference of the Society for the Study of Human Development, Philadelphia, PA., Oct. 13-15.
Eubank, S. J., Frazier, T. M., Shaw, L. A., & Mansfield, C. D. (2023). The virtuous teen: Fact or fiction? Poster presented at the 13thBiennial Conference of the Society for the Study of Human Development, Philadelphia, PA., Oct. 13-15.
Frazier, T. M., Mansfield, C. D., & Shaw, L. A. (2023). Do linguistic markers in adolescent stress and wisdom narratives relate to self-reported assets? Poster presented at the 13th Biennial Conference of the Society for the Study of Human Development, Philadelphia, PA.
Carrington, M., Mansfield, C. D., Shaw, L.A., Wellsted, D. (2023). Redemption and Well-being in Turning Point Narratives among U.S. and U.K. Emerging Adults. Poster presented at the Association for Research in Personality Biennial Conference, Evanston, IL., July 20-22.
Mansfield, C. D. & Shaw, L. A. (2022). Exploring the developmental underpinnings of wisdom in adolescence. Poster presented at the Society for Research in Child Development鈥檚 Biennial Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT. March 23-25.
Mansfield, C. D. (Feb, 2022). Exploring relationships between what, why, and how in narrative identity research. Paper presented at the Dynamics in Personality Development. Society for Personality and Social Psychology Preconference. Feb. 17, 2022 San Francisco, CA.
Barraza, A., Shaw, L. A., Geddes, K., & Mansfield, C. D. (2022). Adults鈥 narratives of challenges and Coping with the pandemic: The roles of age and socioeconomic status. Poster presented at the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT. April 7-9.
Geddes, K., Mansfield, C. D., Barraza, A., Shaw, L. A. (2022). Exploring the relationship between wisdom and coping with the pandemic in emerging adulthood. Poster presented at the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT. April 7-9.
Barraza, A., Mansfield, C. D., Harmison, D., Carrington, M., Shaw, L. A. (2021). Positive adaptation to the pandemic: The roles of openness, optimism, and narrative meaning-Making. Poster presented at the Jean Piaget Society鈥檚 annual Conference. Virtual June 1-5.
Turner, K., Mansfield, C. D., & Pasupathi, M. (2020). Exploratory Narrative processing of relational victimization experiences. Poster accepted for presentation at the Western Psychological Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. April 30-May 3.
Klein, J., & Mansfield, C. D. (2020). Parent-child interaction in the context of informal learning environments. Poster accepted for presentation at the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association Annual Meeting, Denver, CO. April 16-18.
White, J., Dahl, A., Harmison, D., Klein, J., Lemons, A., Simmons J., Mansfield, C. D., Shaw, L., & Pasupathi, M. (2020). Adult experiences of harm. Is there a positivity effect? Poster presented at the annual Utah Conference on Undergraduate Research, Feb. 7.
Mansfield, C. D. (2020). Reviewing and correcting exams: A boon to learning or a waste of time? Poster presented at the 42nd Annual National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology Conference, St. Pete Beach, FL. Jan. 3-6.
Mansfield, C. D., Wainryb, C. W., & Kerig, P. (2019). A narrative approach to understanding moral injury in a civilian population. Poster presented at the Society for the Study of Human Development 11th Biennial Meeting on Stress, Resilience, and Character Development Across the Lifespan, Portland OR. October 11-13.
Shaw, L., & Mansfield, C. D., Pasupathi, M. & Wainryb, C. (2019). 鈥淚 went back to him and told him I was sorry鈥︹ Exploring the impact of perspective on maternal narration of anger in parenting. Poster presented at the Jean Piaget Society Annual Meeting, Portland, OR. June 6-8.
Simmons, J., & Mansfield, C. D. (2019). Understanding emotion processing in youths with reactive attachment disorder. Poster presented at the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association Annual Meeting, Denver, CO. April 4-6.
Blumenstein, J., & Mansfield, C. D., & Pasupathi, M. (2018). Comparing meaning-making and threats to adaptive functioning among conscientious and non-conscientious neurotics. Poster presented at Weber State University鈥檚 Undergraduate Research Symposium, March 26.
Blumenstein, J., & Mansfield, C. D. (2018). Relationships between trait hostility, adaptive functioning threats, and narrative meaning making. Poster presented at Western Psychological Association Annual Meeting, Portland, Or. April 26-29.
Bourne, S. V., Mansfield, C. D., Pasupathi, & M., Wainryb, C. (2018). When friends are supportive listeners young teens learn more from conversations, about angering events, but distress increases. Talk presented at the Society for Research on Adolescence Biennial Meeting, Minneapolis, MN. April 12-14.
Mansfield, C. D. (2017). Understanding student engagement in a professional development course. Poster presented at The University of Wisconsin鈥檚 Office for Professional and Instructional Development Spring Conference on Teaching and Learning, LaCrosse WI. April 20-21.
Bolton Holz, K., Mansfield, C. D., & Czarapata, L. (2017). Do supportive letters from past students reduce current student distress in a psychology of gender class? Poster presented at The Association for Women in Psychology conference, Milwaukee, WI. March 2-5.
Lee, Hye-ri., Mansfield, C. D., & Pasupathi, M. (2015). Exploring relationships between emotional complexity and rumination after recall of sad and angry events. Poster presented at Senior Research Day, University of Utah, March 31.
Mansfield C. D. (2015). Exploring psychological situations and their threats: Are specific kinds of negative events associated with specific threats to adaptive functioning? Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology annual conference, Long Beach, CA. February, 26-28.
Mansfield, C. D. (2014). Does cognitive and relational stress-related growth predict different forms of adaptive functioning on a daily basis? Poster presented at Rocky Mountain Psychological Association, Salt Lake City, UT. April 24-26.
Mansfield, C. D. (2014). Telling the right story for the right event predicts well-being. Paper presented in symposium talk at the Society for Research on Adolescence biennial meeting, Austin, TX. March 20-22.
Mansfield, C. D., & Diamond, L. D. (2014). Adolescents' perceptions of stress-related growth predict adaptive daily functioning. Poster presented at the Society for Research on Adolescence biennial meeting, Austin, TX. March 20-22.
Mansfield, C. D., Pasupathi, M., Taheri, K., & Wainryb, C (2013). Narrating wrongs we do to others: Relationships with well-being and moral disengagement. Paper presented in symposium talk at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology annual conference, New Orleans, LA. January, 17-19.
Mansfield, C. D., & Pasupathi, M. (2012). How goals and modes of narration influence identity and well-being in emergent adulthood. Paper presented in symposium talk presented at the Society for Research on Adolescence biennial meeting, Vancouver, B.C. March, 8-10.
Pasupathi, M., Mansfield, C. D., & Wainryb, C. (2012). Conflicted agency and emotions in self-relevant experiences. Paper presented in symposium talk presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology annual conference, San Diego, CA. January 26-28.
Mansfield, C. D., Pasupathi, M., & McLean, K. C. (2012). Assessing links between psychological well-being and narration of growth in stories of personal transgressions. Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology annual conference, San Diego, CA. January 26-28.
Pals, J. L., McLean, K. C., & Mansfield, C. D. (2011) Bad self or transformed self? the moderating role of implicit theories of personality in narratives of trauma and transgression memories. Paper presented in symposium talk at the Association for Research in Personality, Riverside, CA. June 16 鈥 18.
Mansfield, C. D. & McLean, K. C., (2011). Conversations about the past and the adolescent voice: Narrative processing as a function of age, gender, and maternal scaffolding. Paper presented in symposium talk at the Society for Research in Child Development, Montreal, Quebec, CA, March 31 鈥 April 2.
McLean, K. C., & Mansfield, C. D. (2010) Mother-adolescent conversations as a context for narrative identity development. Paper presented in symposium talk at the Society for Research on Adolescence, Philadelphia, PA, March 12-14.
Mansfield, C. D., McLean, K. C., & Pals, J. L. (2009). Does wisdom matter in the processing of traumas and transgressions? Poster presented at the Association for Research in Personality annual convention, Evanston, IL, July 17-18.
Mansfield, C. D., & Graham, J. (2009). A comparison of procedures for testing mediating relationships: conceptual regression, sobel, and bootstrapping. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association annual convention, Toronto, ON, Canada, August 6-9.
Mansfield, C. D., McLean, K. C., & Pals, J. L. (2009). Narrative processing and wisdom in accounts of traumas and transgressions. Paper presented in symposium talk at the Western Psychological Association annual convention, Portland, OR, April 23-26.
Mansfield, C. D., & McLean K. C. (2008). Narrative processing in the management of personal traumas and transgressions. Paper presented at the Western Washington University Psychfest, Bellingham WA, June 6.
Invited Talks
Mansfield, C. D. (June, 2019). A personality and social psychology perspective on power. Presentation for The Weber State University Social Science Education Center鈥檚: History Alliance Seminar
Mansfield, C. D. (April, 2017). Individual differences vs. situation differences in predicting threats to agency. Presentation for faculty and students of Hamilton College, Clinton, NY.
Mansfield, C. D. (May 2013 and April 2014). Preparing for graduate school. Workshop presented for student members of Psi Chi at The University of Utah.
Other Research Experience
2014-2011: Graduate Research Assistant, University of Utah; Social Development Lab under supervision of Dr. Monisha Pasupathi and Dr. Cecilia Wainryb
2007-2009: Graduate Research Assistant, Western Washington University; Identity Development Lab. Under supervision of Dr. Kate C. McLean
2007-2006: Undergraduate Research Assistant, Western Washington University; Language and Cognition Lab. Under supervision of Dr. Todd Haskell