
Kimberly D Buchar Nolet Senior Adjunct Assistant Professor of Music, Bassoon



Bassoonist Dr. Kimberly Buchar Nolet has returned to her native state of Pennsylvania. She received her degrees in bassoon performance from the Harid Conservatory in 1997, the Eastman School of Music in 1999, and recently finished her DMA at the University of Illinois.  

Dr. Buchar Nolet has taught bassoon and classes at Millikin University, Eastern Illinois University, Chestnut Hill College, Valley Forge Christian College, and at the University of Illinois as a sabbatical replacement. She has performed in various orchestral and chamber groups such as the Illinois Symphony, New World Symphony, Palm Beach Opera, Sinfonia da Camera, BACH Ensemble, Lancaster Symphony, York Symphony, the Trelumina Trio, and other chamber groups. Her major teachers include Philip Kolker, Arthur Weisberg, John Hunt, and Timothy McGovern.

Currently, Dr. Buchar Nolet is teaching bassoon at 顶级国产视频 & Marshall College, York College, Lancaster Bible College, Dickinson College, and the Maryland Conservatory of Music.


D.M.A, Bassoon Performance, University of Illinois at Urbana-Campaign, IL, 2005
M. M., Bassoon Performance, East School of Music, University of Rochester, NY, 1999
B. M., Bassoon Performance, The Harid Conservatory of Music, Boca Raton, FL, 1997

Course Information

MUS 180/280 Bassoon